April 23, 2010

The Howling Commandos Will Be In Captain America

CHUD is on a serious roll with Marvel exclusives lately. They uncovered Marvel Studios' plans to expand the Marvel universe with small-budget films. They also revealed that Captain America would feature The Invaders in the second half of the film. Kevin Feige talked to the site and it looks like they're showcasing more of the Marvel characters in Captain America. They will be including The Howling Commandos most notably Gabriel Jones with the possibly Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan and others. This makes a lot of sense because they won't be able to return to Marvel's WWII era so they might as well feature their best known war time characters. The Howling Commandos were originally lead by Sgt. Fury who later becomes the director of SHIELD. The lineup featured Jones, Dugan, Percy Pinkerton, Captain Samuel Sawyer, Rebel Ralston, Dino Manelli and Izzy Cohen.

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